Summer Events

  • Kids' Summer Saturdays

    Splash, Sip and Socialize

    June 8 * July 13 * August 10

    Join us at our backyard pavilion and playground for an awesomely wet community time for our families!! Bring your kids dressed to play in sprinklers and slip-n-slides. Come ready to enjoy iced coffee and time to chat with other grown-ups. We'll provide the water fun as well as popsicles and snacks for the kiddos. This is a great way to connect with other families and invite friends and neighbors.

  • Summer Nights: Connect & Grow

    All ages connect over dinner, then adults hear from an engaging speaker while kids enjoy making art and music down at the pavilion!

    June 11 * July 23

    Join us at 5:30pm for dinner provided by the church on our courtyard lawn (suggested donation is $5 per adult and kids eat free!). After dinner, at 6:30pm, the adults will head inside to hear from a speaker and the kids will walk down to the pavilion to enjoy creative fun with art, music, and skits.

    Please sign up so we can plan appropriately for dinner.

    June 11th speaker:

    Lisa Ould, The Barnabas Center

    July 23rd speaker:

    Tommy Thompson, author and host of the podcast, "Space for Life"

  • Great Big Neighborhood Yard Sale

    Come be a part of Our Great Big Neighborhood Yard Sale!

    June 29

    We're hosting a neighborhood yard sale! We've got a good location with lots of parking and great visibility on Pump Rd.

    Sign up for a free table spot and come sell your items--one person's trash is another person's treasure! We'll have food and plenty of fun--join us!

    That morning, we will also be collecting monetary donations for one of our neighbors, Godwin High School. Their "Eagle Fund" supports low-income students and families.

  • Furniture Drive for Caritas

    CARITAS will have a truck parked in our parking lot that morning to collect furniture and household items.

    July 20

    Each item of furniture, each appliance, each plate, and each blanket that you donate to the CARITAS Furniture Bank goes directly toward furnishing the new homes of our most vulnerable neighbors. These gently-used items allow families to eat together around a dining room table. They mean that a child no longer has to sleep on the floor. Because of you, lives are transformed and dignity is restored. Thank you!